Worms Eat My Garbage
Worms Eat My Garbage: How to Set Up and Maintain a Worm Composting System, 2nd Edition is a classic — and it’s one I got not long after it came out. We were llama ranching in the mountains near Ashland, Oregon, in those days, and living in two old 8×40 trailers we had parked in a V, creating a large enclosed south-facing living room between them.
I set up my worm bins in the unused and minimally heated second kitchen. My teenager thought it was gross, and my husband was dubious, but it did work! I’ve lived in a lot of different places since then and hadn’t used my old copy of the book until lately, but recently we started out again. Great fun.
It’s definitive guide to vermicomposting-a process using redworms to recycle food waste into nutrient-rich food for plants.
Newly revised and updated, this 162 page manual provides complete illustrated instructions on setting up and maintaining small-scale worm composting systems.
Topics include
- different bins,
- what kind of worms to use,
- sex life of a worm,
- preparing worm beddings,
- how to meet the needs of the worms,
- what kinds of foods to feed the worms,
- harvesting worms,
- and making potting soil from the vermicompost produced.
A 63 page bibliography, 24 annotated references, a glossary,and comprehensive index make this a valuable reference book as well as a practical manual.