How to Remove Facial Hair on Women at Home
It took me a while to figure out a system that works for chin hair removal, so I thought I’d pass this information on. For me, the most essential item is the Tweezerman mirror that I bought. Just now, when I looked it up on Amazon, I was surprised to see that it has been nine years since I got it… it still looks like new, despite wear and tear. Even with new eyeglasses during those years, I find it easiest to leave my glasses off and use the high magnification of the mirror. Seeing what your chin looks like that closely isn’t always a joy, but I do it every morning now! As for how to get rid of the facial hair, I have tried several things and will describe them. So… mirror, routine, and tool…
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First, A Magnifying Mirror to Really See Your Face
Here’s the one I use. It’s small but large enough to do the job:
Tweezerman Tweezermate 12x’s Magnification Mirror
There are a number of other mirrors to choose from… Here are a few:
Tweezerman Lighted MirrorTweezerman LTD 10x Lighted Mirror
Tweezerman Professional 12X Magnifying Mirror Attaches To Any Smooth Surface
Zadro 15X Next Generation LED Lighted Spot Mirror, Black Finish
Harry D Koenig & Co 15x Magnification Mirror with Suction Cup, Round, 5 Inch
Make a Habit of Dealing with Your Chin Hairs
Well, maybe yours aren’t primarily on your chin like mine are. But wherever they are, they do keep growing, and the older you get, the more vigorously they seem to grow. Why? It’s to do with hormones, I think… and I like to think that it’s the same hormones that give older women what anthropologist Margaret Mead termed post-menopausal zest.
Depending on how fast your hairs grow and what color they are, choose how often you are going to attack them. I recommend making it a daily habit.
Tweezers, Razor, or Other Device?
Here is what I got nine years ago, in red. The slant Tweezerman tweezers (there’s a tongue twister in that) are the best that I have used, and the best that many of the Amazon customers have used.
Tweezerman Stainless Steel Slant Tweezer, Black
I still use my tweezers for their intended purpose and sometimes for removing splinters but as I’ve gotten older and hairier, I’ve used other things. I used the Bellabe below for a while, and I’ve listed the Tweezerman item that is similar to it, since I am a fan of the brand. For the past three or four years, my go-to device is the Panasonic listed below. It does require one AAA battery but that lasts a long time.
Bellabe, the No.1 Rated Facial Hair Remover that’s Made in USA, Best of its kind, Very effective and easy to use, No more waxing, tweezing, shaving or bleachingTweezerman Smooth Finish Facial Hair Remover (Colors May Vary)
Panasonic ES2113PC Facial Hair Trimmer for Women, with Pivoting Head and Eyebrow Trimmer Attachments, Battery-Operated
So that sums up what I have learned. I did try an old razor of my husband’s for a while, but it wasn’t as easy as the Panasonic.
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