A Couple of Natural Building Websites
Here are some of the sites of my husband, Kelly Hart. He is passionate about natural building.
This is Kelly’s largest site. It’s got hundreds of pages on all aspects of green home building. The easiest way to find something specific is the search box in the upper right of the home page or on the bottom of most other pages.
The table across the top is on every page, and will take you to the various categories of the website.
That “Ask the Experts” section draws on commentary from some three dozen experts. Readers send in questions, Kelly forwards them to the right expert, and eventually posts the answers on the site.
When we built our earthbag house in Crestone, Colorado, in the late 1990s, there was not much information available on the topic. Now there is much more, and there is so much going on around the world that Kelly and our good friend Dr. Owen Geiger are always finding new building projects to add to this website.
http://www.earthbagbuilding.com/projects/hart.htm shows the house that Kelly and I built in Colorado
[3] Kelly and Owen also do a natural building blog together at http://naturalbuildingblog.com/.
Earthbags are an incredibly inexpensive way to build a shelter and I think they have a good future in the US for people who need a simple place to live that they can build themselves. Worldwide, they are gaining in popularity… they tend to be very safe in earthquakes.