Good Ol’ Mother Earth News
I’ve just been reading the current issue of the Mother Earth News, and while its downhome ultra-folksy style has been modified a bit over the years, it is still the same magazine I have loved for decades. Hadn’t read one for a while, though.
I read this one because a friend of ours, Owen Geiger, has an article in it titled Low-cost Multipurpose Minibuilding Made with Earthbags. The article mentions that more could be found on their website, and here is the link to that article:
But the whole Mother Earth News website amazed and delighted me. It seems that all of the current issue is there, and in some cases, the articles are longer.
I highly recommend this site for browsing! Here are just a few of the things I read or skimmed:
- A query with a lot of replies: What Disposable or Single-use Products Have You Given Up?
- A list of the blogs on the site (which at present has a special offer of $10 for a year’s subscription to the print edition, if you pay with a credit card and sign up for automatic renewal — that’s a great deal but I have resisted so far, since I can read it online!)
- An article on urban homesteading called The harvest begins
Take a look, but not when you are in a big hurry to do something else!
Thank you for all the kind words about Mother Earth News! We appreciate the mention, and we’re glad you find our magazine and website so useful. It’s feedback from readers like you that makes our work so rewarding. Thank you again for the shout-out, and we hope you’ll keep visiting us online!
Thanks for noticing us!
And stop resisting the urge to subscribe! It would help us keep doing what we do. :-)
Bryan Welch
Publisher and Editorial Director
Mother Earth News
.-= Bryan Welch´s last blog ..How to Repair a Leaking Roof =-.